Device to prevent snoring
I’ll admit it – I (used to) snore. Badly. Badly enough that my wife not only complained, but was also afraid that I had Sleep Apnea. And I was afraid too. Afraid that I was going to have to don the dreaded CPAP mask. Really? A CPAP? I’m only in my 40’s. I’m not ready for that. But yea, I snore. Plus, I felt tired – all the time. I denied it for a while, like most men do. Then my wife pretty much forced me to look into the CPAP breathing mask to cure my snoring. I hated the thought of it. I hated the thought of setting it up. The noise. The obvious uncomfortable restriction. And I hated the thought of travelling with it (taking a CPAP on vacation has to be a serious buzzkill). But I didn’t know of any alternative. Until now. Truth be told, I can be stubborn. I put off doing anything about my snoring for years. My wife was unhappy, but hey, *I* didn’t hear myself snore, so I figured it was no big deal. But the sleep apnea thing woke me up (pardon the pun). I finally relented, and ...